Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von sp6nij
Freitag 20. Juni 2014, 17:16
Forum: Digitale Modes
Thema: UCXLog and FLdigi?
Antworten: 264
Zugriffe: 110997

Re: UCXLog and FLdigi?

DL7UCX hat geschrieben: Please try version 7.41 Beta 1, modes PSK63 and PSK125 should be correct.
73 Ben
Thank you for a great job. After a "first try" it seems to be OK.
von sp6nij
Donnerstag 19. Juni 2014, 22:56
Forum: Digitale Modes
Thema: UCXLog and FLdigi?
Antworten: 264
Zugriffe: 110997

Re: UCXLog and FLdigi?

Hallo, I'm Marek and I'm new to this forum.
Panoramic display and other functionality of Fldigi is great with UcxLog.
When I tried to log PSK63 QSO, logger logged it as PSK31.
Is (or will be in a future) a possibility to log contacts with submodes of PSK other than "31"?