Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von EB2CYQ
Samstag 29. August 2009, 11:09
Forum: Contest
Thema: In REGVHF not CBR export
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 4514

Re: In REGVHF not CBR export

This is a copy of file created by WinUREcon the software used for this regional contest. If you want I can send you a file. --> Fichero EB2RA-50.log START-OF-LOG: 2.0 CONTEST: EA-EA4AO-VUHF CALLSIGN: EB2RA CATEGORY: FIJA CATEGORY-OVERLAY: CLAIMED-SCORE: Clasificación (50): 96 puntos. LOCATION: DX N...
von EB2CYQ
Montag 30. März 2009, 10:13
Forum: Contest
Thema: Question for Send window
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2804

Re: Question for Send window

Tu Klaus, I try with this command
von EB2CYQ
Samstag 28. März 2009, 11:53
Forum: Contest
Thema: Question for Send window
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2804

Question for Send window


I want to know if is possible to have a macro order for save the QSO, example
Pcall tu (save)
Ocall test

Tu & 73s

And thanks for the program.