Die Suche ergab 9 Treffer

von RK1AA
Dienstag 29. Juni 2021, 11:39
Forum: Interfaces
Thema: K1EL WinKey PTT
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 4205

Re: K1EL WinKey PTT

Thanks a lot for the comments! In fact, I have had this problem for a long time... I thought that there might be some kind of catch, so I did not dare to write for a long time. PTT in my Winkey works correctly in "standalone" mode. I just thought about checking with other loggers, it seems...
von RK1AA
Montag 28. Juni 2021, 12:44
Forum: Interfaces
Thema: K1EL WinKey PTT
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 4205


I use UCXLog with K1EL Winkey (see here.
It has PTT output connector, but with UCX-log it does not work as PTT but as CW keying, exactly like KEY output connnector.
Is it possible to correct this?
von RK1AA
Dienstag 17. Januar 2012, 09:05
Forum: Export/Import
Thema: RST with letters (59A, R26)
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2958

Re: RST with letters (59A, R26)

Thank's, it works now!
von RK1AA
Dienstag 17. Januar 2012, 08:53
Forum: Export/Import
Thema: REG1TEST import
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 2264

Re: REG1TEST import

> UcxLog will do the CSV to PRN conversion automatically during "Contest-Import-ASCII"

Thank's, it's really more than enough!
von RK1AA
Montag 16. Januar 2012, 20:51
Forum: Export/Import
Thema: REG1TEST import
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 2264

REG1TEST import

Is it possible to realize EDI (REG1TEST) import to UCXLog?
Of cause I can do this right now by importing EDI to Microsoft Excel as CSV ant then exporting from Excel to PRN-file (formatted text with fixed columns positions).
von RK1AA
Montag 16. Januar 2012, 20:46
Forum: Export/Import
Thema: RST with letters (59A, R26)
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2958

RST with letters (59A, R26)

When I try to import ASCII log to UCXLog, strings with letter report are not imported. For example MS (R26) or Aurora (59A) QSOs.
Is it possible to correct such behavior?
von RK1AA
Donnerstag 12. Januar 2012, 16:07
Forum: Bedienung/Anzeige
Thema: Localization
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3017

Re: Localization

I hoped the possibility of localization was taken into acccount originally... Now everything is clear.
If you ever get to the localization, I will be happy to help in the preparation of Russian locale file.

von RK1AA
Donnerstag 12. Januar 2012, 12:22
Forum: Bedienung/Anzeige
Thema: Localization
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3017

Re: Localization

Yes, russian translation of interface - text labels, menu items etc.
von RK1AA
Donnerstag 12. Januar 2012, 10:03
Forum: Bedienung/Anzeige
Thema: Localization
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3017


Hello, dear colleagues!
Is there a possibility of UCXLog localization?
It is perfect logging program for VHF contesters and DX-men, but really difficult for a lot of russian users without localization.
Thanks in advance!

Eugene RK1AA / OH2FPN