Update - question "Overwrite ?"

Moderator: DL7UCX

Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Mittwoch 2. Juni 2021, 06:47

Update - question "Overwrite ?"

Beitrag von sm5lw »

When I update I get the message "Destination file xxx.xxx is newer than file to install. Overwrite? Yes/No". Please advise which to choose: Yes or No. So far I have answered No and it seems to work.

73 / Dag (SM5LW)
Beiträge: 6653
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Update - question "Overwrite ?"

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Dag,

Mostly it is only a problem with the file date/time stamp although both files are the same.
Then it doesn't matter if you choose yes or no.

You should only take this warning seriously if a new version is overwritten by an old version.

73 Ben