UBA DX contest only CW possible to log??

Moderator: DL7UCX

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mittwoch 20. August 2014, 17:41

UBA DX contest only CW possible to log??

Beitrag von PE1EXD »

Hi Ben,

I worked some stations in SSB in th UBA DX contest of today, but I could only log them as CW contact, with also a 599 report.
I did not manage to change to SSB, and 59. Other contests in the recent past never a problem.

Something that I did wrongly, or do I at last have to learn CW?

73, Kees, PE1EXD
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Registriert: Donnerstag 12. September 2002, 09:44
Wohnort: Dresden

Re: UBA DX contest only CW possible to log??

Beitrag von DL1DTL »

Hi Kees,

I think you made a mistake: if you select the UBA-DX Contest you have to activate the Fone Mode, otherwise you are in the CW Mode..

It works perfectly.

73 Klaus DL1DTL
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: UBA DX contest only CW possible to log??

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Contest - New ...
UBA.png (50.71 KiB) 3189 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Mittwoch 20. August 2014, 17:41

Re: UBA DX contest only CW possible to log??

Beitrag von PE1EXD »

Thanks, Ben,

I was to fast, and did no see that menu. It works well, only have to correct my QSOs from CW to SSB, but I will never again make that mistake.
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: UBA DX contest only CW possible to log??

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Kees,

By the way, I remember that there is a menu function to solve your problem also later:
Contest - Rename

73 Ben