how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Moderator: DL7UCX
how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Hi All
I am newbe in using UCX log for contesting, is there a way to use the locator database "Locator.txt" file there is located in c:\UCXlog ???
I normaly use Tucnak and there we have this option to seek for locator when we type in the new call....
73" OZ1CT Ben
I am newbe in using UCX log for contesting, is there a way to use the locator database "Locator.txt" file there is located in c:\UCXlog ???
I normaly use Tucnak and there we have this option to seek for locator when we type in the new call....
73" OZ1CT Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Hello Ben,
Locator lists are automatically used if you checked "Locator" in "Settings - Station - General - Load Databases".
Help chapter "General - Internal File Structure - Program Directory":
Locator lists are automatically used if you checked "Locator" in "Settings - Station - General - Load Databases".
Help chapter "General - Internal File Structure - Program Directory":
73 BenLocator Lists
If at least one of these files exist, the locator will be searched at QSO-Work and in VHF contests.
Each line: Call sign and minimal one locator of 6 characters, each separated by space or semicolon.
Coded extraction from VHF-Database (see below) VHF220.DBF.
Same like LOCATOR.TXT but self-created using the Locator-Note button.
VHFnnn.DBF (nnn = version number)
Can be purchased, see below VHF-DATABASE.
If this exists, the LCTR_220.TXT will be ignored. Only the highest version nnn will be loaded.
The VHF-DATABASE is compiled and maintained by Guido, DL8EBW
and nowadays the Team of MMMonVHF. The first issue of DATABASE
was released in early 90´s and since then it has been given out
free of charge to several DX-clusters all over the world and
was build in several logbook programs. Guido and his team will
update it regulary and spread an issue out once per year.
There is a possibility to update yourself your dates at: - search the menue "VHF-DATABASE".
If there is a new issue we will spread it around at the different
VHF-Bulletins! The VHF-DATABASE implemented free of charge in this
Logbook will be the sample 2.20 from the year 2006. If you wants to
get the latest issue please send a request via MMMonVHF or direct
to Guido, DL8EBW. The USER-VHF-DATABASE is available for a nominal
fee of minimum 5 EURO or 6 Dollar (PAYPAL: 5,50 EURO/6,50 Dollar).
Please send your request to:
or pass direct the donation to: DL8EBW (Email:
G.Juenkersfeld, Gustav-Freytag-Str.1, 42327 Wuppertal / Germany
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
I startede to select a NAC vhf contest
and I have checked "Locator" in "Settings - Station - General - Load Databases".
but when I type in a call it do not show the locator....I have to type it in...what is wrong here in my setup ???
the only thing that is happend is that in the "Worked window" the call will be showed....
73" Ben
I startede to select a NAC vhf contest
and I have checked "Locator" in "Settings - Station - General - Load Databases".
but when I type in a call it do not show the locator....I have to type it in...what is wrong here in my setup ???
the only thing that is happend is that in the "Worked window" the call will be showed....
73" Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Hello Ben,
I do not know if the callsign entered by you is in the locator database, these databases are not from UcxLog.
When I enter in the NAC VHF e.g. "DL7VEE", I get a selection of 2 locators...
73 Ben
I do not know if the callsign entered by you is in the locator database, these databases are not from UcxLog.
When I enter in the NAC VHF e.g. "DL7VEE", I get a selection of 2 locators...
73 Ben
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Hmm... I look in LOCATOR.TXT and I finde DL7VEE;JO62SM, but when I type in DL7VEE but it show no locator ... XAwN3JDMlE
and I have selected master+locator+manager+member in the setup.....
73" OZ1CT Ben
Hmm... I look in LOCATOR.TXT and I finde DL7VEE;JO62SM, but when I type in DL7VEE but it show no locator ... XAwN3JDMlE
and I have selected master+locator+manager+member in the setup.....
73" OZ1CT Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
I never heard about this problem.
Do you see the "Loaded Locators" during start up in the main window down below (locator1.png).
Do you use the Contest work window like in locator2.png ?
73 Ben
I never heard about this problem.
Do you see the "Loaded Locators" during start up in the main window down below (locator1.png).
Do you use the Contest work window like in locator2.png ?
73 Ben
- Dateianhänge
- locator1.png (3.04 KiB) 6730 mal betrachtet
- locator2.png (39.56 KiB) 6730 mal betrachtet
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
pse look at the video, there you can see how I start the log up... ... sp=sharing
73" OZ1CT Ben
pse look at the video, there you can see how I start the log up... ... sp=sharing
73" OZ1CT Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Hello Ben,
Please open the Pop-Up menu of Rcvd Exchange field (right mouse click or click to second "?" above field).
Is "Automatic take-over of locator" checked ?
73 Ben
Please open the Pop-Up menu of Rcvd Exchange field (right mouse click or click to second "?" above field).
Is "Automatic take-over of locator" checked ?
73 Ben
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
yes "Automatic take-over locator" and "Detect + Move RST" is cheked.....
BTW... I am using this " Test version 56day left" any limit there ???
73" Ben
yes "Automatic take-over locator" and "Detect + Move RST" is cheked.....
BTW... I am using this " Test version 56day left" any limit there ???
73" Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
I think this is not limited by "test version".
What happens if you type the callsign DL7VEE in the QSO-Work window ?
Do you see anything in the Locator field ?
73 Ben
What happens if you type the callsign DL7VEE in the QSO-Work window ?
Do you see anything in the Locator field ?
73 Ben
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
if I type in DL7VEE og other call in "QSO Worked"-window nothing happend in the locator field...
I have try UCXlog on all my computer all running windows 7 32/64 still same problem.
if I type in DL7VEE og other call in "QSO Worked"-window nothing happend in the locator field...
I have try UCXlog on all my computer all running windows 7 32/64 still same problem.
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Hello Ben,
That's very strange.
I tried it with your callsign, no problem. No license necessary.
Please send me by E-mail (address see
all files with extension ".ST2" from the "Log Data Directory" (for location use Menu "Help-Show file locations-...").
73 Ben
Do you get "D26" in the QSO-Work field "District/State" with callsign DL7VEE ?
Check "Windows - Member lists" before this test.
That's very strange.
I tried it with your callsign, no problem. No license necessary.
Please send me by E-mail (address see
all files with extension ".ST2" from the "Log Data Directory" (for location use Menu "Help-Show file locations-...").
73 Ben
Do you get "D26" in the QSO-Work field "District/State" with callsign DL7VEE ?
Check "Windows - Member lists" before this test.
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
The file is send to you by mail...and yes I do get a "D26" in "District/State"
73" Ben
The file is send to you by mail...and yes I do get a "D26" in "District/State"
73" Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Meanwhile I found the reason (but not yet the solution) for the error:
The alphabetical sorting of the locator list fails (only at OZ1CT) for all callsigns beginning with "AA...".
All these callsigns are arranged at the end of the list after "ZZ2LEW".
The comparision of callsigns is done inside the Delphi component TStringList at least by the Windows API function CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,...).
I dont know, why this function thinks that "AA" is greater than "ZZ".
Possibly the "AA" stands in Denmark for another special national character
73 Ben
Meanwhile I found the reason (but not yet the solution) for the error:
The alphabetical sorting of the locator list fails (only at OZ1CT) for all callsigns beginning with "AA...".
All these callsigns are arranged at the end of the list after "ZZ2LEW".
The comparision of callsigns is done inside the Delphi component TStringList at least by the Windows API function CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,...).
I dont know, why this function thinks that "AA" is greater than "ZZ".
Possibly the "AA" stands in Denmark for another special national character

73 Ben
- Beiträge: 6704
- Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
- Wohnort: Dabendorf
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: how to use/setup Locator.txt file
Now I heard that AA stands in Denmark for Å.
So all callsigns with AA... where sorted by Windows to wrong position what prevents the right use of the list.
The problem is solved in version 7.77 Beta 10 by use of own sorting algorithm.
73 Ben
Now I heard that AA stands in Denmark for Å.
So all callsigns with AA... where sorted by Windows to wrong position what prevents the right use of the list.
The problem is solved in version 7.77 Beta 10 by use of own sorting algorithm.
73 Ben