NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m

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NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m

Beitrag von sm0lyc »


I have some questions about NAC 10m contest. I'm choosing the contest log as below path.

Contest -> New -> HF:CW/Fone/Mixed -> NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m
For SSB I'm using FONE, for FM=MIXED and for FT8 I'm using Digital. So far so good.
When I upload my logs and looking in the result list I have ODX=0 km for all logs. Is this a bug?
After yesterday contest other Swedish hams start using UcxLog got the same result and asked me why it's like that. No other have 0 km in ODX in the list. Have we missed something? AVG ODX looks ok.

Next question are about the same NAC 10m. Is it possible to just open one log for all modes and UcxLog create separate logs for each mode like in NAC open when UcxLog create separate logs for each band?
I try to use MIXED but got ### DOUBLE ### even if I have different mode for the same call.

73 de Mikael - SM0LYC
Beiträge: 6640
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Mikael,

NAC 10m was already implemented 10 years ago and until now there was not any comment or question.

UcxLog differentiates internally between HF and VHF/UHF contests because of different needed data.
ODX is only handled and processed for VHF/UHF contests.

The NAC 10m is the only one HF contest which requires the EDI (REG1TEST) format.
REG1TEST definition knows only bands from 50Mhz and above :!:
There are already a lot of exceptions implemented especially for this contest (with great effort).

Why do you need the ODX value in the log ?
Is the ODX required by the organizer :?:

It is not possible to split one log into logs with different modes.
Too much effort for too little need.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Dienstag 18. April 2017, 10:18

Re: NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m

Beitrag von sm0lyc »

Hello Ben,

The reason why no one has asked before may be that they may be using another contest logging program. Or that no UcxLog user runs NAC-28, I do not know because I use UcxLog for all my contests because it covers my needs. However, I miss the autofill function of call that exists when using WSJT-X in contest.
ODX is used to calculate points. 1 point for each kilometer. All NAC contests use that calculation and the best ODX is presented on the results list. The latest NAC-28 contest says 0 km on everyone who uses UcxLog. New users of UcxLog, 5 hams each asked me why it was so? They have used Log4U before and then the best ODX is presented. I ask on their behalf and on my own behalf.
Is it easier to divide a log into several with different bands as it is at NAC open?

/Mikael - SM0LYC
Beiträge: 6640
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Mikael,

You wrote:
ODX is used to calculate points.
No, I do not think so. ODX is the (only) furthest contact.
Points are calculated by the distance for each QSO. This is done by UcxLog :!:

I checked again the rules and are very amazed:
Only submit 1 electronic Cabrillo log for ALL modes!
Best QRB = Please add note in the soapbox for your longest achived QRB(distance in kilometer) ... for each mode.
So I have to change for NAC 10m contest the log format to Cabrillo. :arrow: Done in UcxLog 8.14 Beta 1
Cabrillo doesn't know the ODX like EDI format but you can add the required note manually.
Division into modes is not longer necessary.
I miss the autofill function of call
I don't like it, too many errors and appeals.
You see all known similar callsigns below the work window and can choose the best matching callsign.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 6640
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) 10m

Beitrag von DL7UCX »


The rule
Best QRB = Please add note in the soapbox for your longest achived QRB(distance in kilometer) ... for each mode.
is implemented in Version 8.14 Beta 3.
Best QRB per mode will be filled automatically into the SOAPBOX.

73 Ben