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Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Donnerstag 24. August 2017, 12:05
von PA3EYC
Every month I answer all my buro QSL requests. Therefore I use A4 sheets with 7x3 stickers.
Sometimes I become a request for a direct card and I want to answer that immediately.
Is it possible to print a single sticker with a Dymo Labelwriter 450?
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Donnerstag 24. August 2017, 18:29
von DL7UCX
For all label prints UcxLog has in "QSL-Receive/Send" the 2 input fields "Start label number on first page - Horiz." + "... Vert.".
This should also work with your printer if the A4 sheets endure multiple prints.
73 Ben
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Donnerstag 24. August 2017, 20:24
von PA3EYC
you are right and I am doing that already for many years.
But sometimes I need just one label.
I use 7x3 label sheets and it is not possible to print 21 times one label.
My label sheets endure about 5 times thru the printer, maybe 6, but not 21 times.
Therefore my question.
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Freitag 25. August 2017, 06:46
von DL7UCX
Hello Maarten,
I think you print 1 label and next time several labels, then 1 label ...
So your label sheets need only 2 or 3 passes through the printer.
And I don't see any possibility how UcxLog can help you.
If you want to collect the print of some single labels, you can do it by collecting the direct request.
73 Ben
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Freitag 25. August 2017, 08:09
von PA3EYC
DL7UCX hat geschrieben:.......
And I don't see any possibility how UcxLog can help you.
73 Ben
This is the answer to my question. I thought there may be a possibility to print single labels with a labelwriter.
If not, no problem. I do it with the A4 sheets.
Thanks for your reactions.
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Freitag 25. August 2017, 10:41
von DL7UCX
I think I do not really understand your question:
I thought there may be a possibility to print single labels with a labelwriter
Is this related to hardware or software ?
You can print a single lable or a single card with UcxLog.
73 Ben
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Freitag 25. August 2017, 16:17
von PA3EYC
this is related to hardware.
I know that I can print single or multiple labels. I do already that on A4 sheets with 3x7 labels.
But now I have a Dymo labelwriter 450. So, I thought it may be is possible to print the single labels with that label printer.
I have drivers of the printer but do not know if it is possible to drive it from UCXLog.
That was actually my question.
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Freitag 25. August 2017, 19:09
von DL7UCX
Ok Maarten,
I do not know this Dymo labelwriter but I assume it prints 1 label as 1 page.
So you can try to set this printer in UcxLog for "single card" with right paper size (= lable size) and print 1 QSL on 1 page = 1 lable.
73 Ben
Re: Dymo Labelwriter 450
Verfasst: Samstag 9. September 2017, 18:57
von PA3EYC
Hello Ben,
After installing the correct drivers and redirect the text is is working 100%.