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'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Sonntag 23. Juni 2024, 12:46
von pf5x

Just installed UcxLog on my new Win11 computer (i7 processor). Although everything operates as expected and all logs are present from the cloud, I noticed that the 'Station' window under 'Settings' opens significantly slower than under Win7 or Win10. The hourglass is visible for 5 sec or so before the window opens. Is this normal behaviour ??

73, Enno, PF5X

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Sonntag 23. Juni 2024, 20:31
von DL7UCX
Hello Enno,

This is not normal.

Check your virus scanner, see "Repairing damage ... Entry in the exception list of Windows' own (recommended) virus scanner"

73 Ben

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Donnerstag 27. Juni 2024, 23:41
von pf5x
Hi Bernd,

Thanks for the reply.

I have added ucxlog.exe and the ucxlog folder in the exception list of Windows' native virusscanner and rebooted. Unfortunately the Settings -> Station window still opens rather slowly (5-10 sec). I checked many of the other menus/windows and this is the only one which opens slowly. I can only think of some checking of the COM ports going on in the background before opening the window ... Win10 does not seem to have this issue. In general this Win11 PC is much faster than my Win10 PC, also with UxcLog, except for this one menu item.

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Freitag 28. Juni 2024, 08:54
von DL7UCX
Hello Enno,

I checked your UcxLog settings from your cloud data.
There is no problem (also with Win11) visible.

Sri, I don't know what happens in your Windows system :shock:

You can try to disable (switch off) single settings (like COM ports) and then check again the delay.

73 Ben

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Samstag 29. Juni 2024, 17:24
von pf5x
Hi Bernd,

It is puzzling. Today I got at a random moment (just logging a new QSO ...) this error message. See attachment. No clue where this is coming from. Closing the program and start it again, solves it ... I have 'Selective suspend' for USB ports disabled, so the usb port controlling my uKeyer for CAT and keying is always awake.
Screenshot 2024-06-29 151540.png
Screenshot 2024-06-29 151540.png (8.45 KiB) 6222 mal betrachtet
<edit: 18:49CEDT> Seems to occur after screen sleep ... I can click away the message a few times and then it does not appear anymore. CAT control and WinKey is also working normally. Just this message ... In any case it has something to do with WIn11 sleep condition. I will try and switch screen sleep off, and see if I still gets this message.

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. Juli 2024, 14:37
von pf5x
The "Zugriffsverletzung" issue under Win11 is really very persistent. Firstly, I have disabled the "USB selective suspend" setting in the advanced power plan settings. That was not enough ... Then, I have unticked the boxes of the "Allow the computer to switch off this device to save power" option in the Power management tab of all possible USB hubs and ports (use Device Manager to get there). Much to my surprise this was still not enough. Only after switching off the screen sleep option, I got rid of the error message. I do not have this issue with N1MM, so I should think it must me fixable for UcxLog as well. I do understand I need to set the USB hubs in an always ON state, but the screen sleep option should not influence the proper operation of UcxLog ...

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. Juli 2024, 20:01
von DL7UCX
Hello Enno,

The error number is not helpful, sri.
If it is COM port (driver) problem, you should try to change "Simple COM Port IO method" in "Settings - Station - Special".

Do not use the Windows option "Save energy" (this can cause COM port restart problems), always use "Shutdown".

73 Ben

Re: 'Settings'-> 'Station' window opens slowly under Win11

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Juli 2024, 21:54
von pf5x
Hi Ben,

Yes, I know. I already use "Simple IO", otherwise the Winkey in my microKEYER does not respond. I also always shut down with "Shutdown". Right now things seem to be stable ...