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REG1TEST import

Verfasst: Montag 16. Januar 2012, 20:51
von RK1AA
Is it possible to realize EDI (REG1TEST) import to UCXLog?
Of cause I can do this right now by importing EDI to Microsoft Excel as CSV ant then exporting from Excel to PRN-file (formatted text with fixed columns positions).

Re: REG1TEST import

Verfasst: Dienstag 17. Januar 2012, 08:25
von DL7UCX
Hello Eugene,

Until now nobody needed an import from EDI (REG1TEST).
UcxLog will do the CSV to PRN conversion automatically during "Contest-Import-ASCII"
- if you remove all header lines in the EDI file and
- if you have more than 20 remaining real QSO lines.

73 Ben

Re: REG1TEST import

Verfasst: Dienstag 17. Januar 2012, 08:53
von RK1AA
> UcxLog will do the CSV to PRN conversion automatically during "Contest-Import-ASCII"

Thank's, it's really more than enough!