FT8WW in DXCluster window

Moderator: DL7UCX

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Registriert: Freitag 23. Dezember 2016, 21:35

FT8WW in DXCluster window

Beitrag von YO5LD »


Weirdly, I feel like the FT8WW spots aren't getting through into the DXCluster window. I'm connected to VE7CC Cluster. I can see the spots there.
Even if I add FT8WW to watch with "ALL" it fails to show.
With FT8WW being close to end, this is not a big issue. But the question remains is why, and what other calls might be impacted.

Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Freitag 23. Dezember 2016, 21:35

Re: FT8WW in DXCluster window

Beitrag von YO5LD »

Also saw now that VK9WX was missed.. Not sure if this is something with VE7CC or UcxLog..
But if I send sh/dx VK9WX to VE7CC it shows up in telnet window (the spot was in the lookback max age), but not in the DXCluster window
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Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
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Re: FT8WW in DXCluster window

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

I see the spots from VE7CC:
ve7cc.png (51.84 KiB) 3277 mal betrachtet
Also if I add FT8WW in watch list ALL and with all bands and modes.

The "sh/dx" output is not processsed because the lines are shorter than from other hosts :!:
I will correct it in Version 8.27 Beta 10.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Freitag 23. Dezember 2016, 21:35

Re: FT8WW in DXCluster window

Beitrag von YO5LD »

Right. It looks like there was a weird setting in my VE7CC filters.

By the way, is the length of the "DXCluster" log set at 9000 posts?
If I connect to multiple Telnets each of them feeding CW Skimmer & FT8 spots, I find entries disappearing from the DXCluster window faster than the "max age".
Seems to be dependent on the amount of spots coming in.
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: FT8WW in DXCluster window

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Yes, it is limited to 9000 messages.
I don't want to increase it.
The reason for this is to limit the high CPU load caused by RBN message floods.

8.27 Beta 10 uploaded.

73 Ben