Scandinavian characters in UCXLog Work-window

Moderator: DL7UCX

Beiträge: 61
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Februar 2004, 15:29

Scandinavian characters in UCXLog Work-window

Beitrag von LB2EG »

In work window I can not use scandinavian character set - Æ Ø Å in Name, qth and comments slots. Tested in XP and Vista. Its a pity when I have qso with eg. Bjørn living in Hønefoss...

Bug og feature?

73 de LA4SGA Richard
Beiträge: 6640
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Scandinavian characters in UCXLog Work-window

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

I answered already per E-mail:
The problem is to send all characters of Name and QTH in CW (using keyword Pname ...).
I don't know all these special national characters, their key code in the used font and the CW code.

73 Ben