Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Moderator: DL7UCX

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Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
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Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

Coming weekend we will activate EU-146 during the IOTA Contest.
Our class will be Island Multi-2. Both transceivers will use two separate log computers.
Is is possible to combine these logs, after the contest, to one Cabrillo?

From the IOTA site:
Island Multi-2 stations may have a maximum of two transmitted signals at any one time, where the first station is labelled "0" in the Cabrillo log and the second is labelled "1".

So it must be possible to label "0" and "1" to the stations.
Can someone advise me how to do that?
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Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
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Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Maarten,

you can mix the 2 logs after contest with "Contest - Synchronize Ucx Logs".

In the Contest Work window you have a field "TX ID" for the wanted "0" resp. "1".

73 Ben
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
Wohnort: NL - Nijkerk

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

thanks for the quick answer.
Is this also possible if the other station uses N1MM?
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

UcxLog will not support mixing of ADIF-Import into an existing contest.

So it is difficult to mix the logs (manual mixing of 2 ADIF-Files required).

73 Ben
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
Wohnort: NL - Nijkerk

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

Hallo Ben,
Today we logged with two computers both using UCXLog. But we had a major problem.
In the IOTA Contest it is not allowed to use the same serial numbers on both computers in the Multi-2 class.
So one had to start at 001EU146 and the other at 301EU146.
The computer that starts at 301EU146 was not increasing numbers after a QSO. We couldn't solve that problem.
Is it possible to start at a higher numbers and still increasing after a QSO?
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Maarten,

It is not a good idea to think about contest rules and logging procedure shortly before and during the contest.

If you read the Help chapter "Contest - New" you find the answers to your questions.
Exchange number
Incremental numbers start always at '001' ...
Incremental shared nr
Common increased exchange number for all bands - common on all PCs (Handling see Network).
Sri, I did not check the rule details of Multi-2 for you after your first question.
If you need unique numbers on both PCs you had to use "Network" and "Incremental shared nr".

73 Ben
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
Wohnort: NL - Nijkerk

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

DL7UCX hat geschrieben:Hello Maarten,

It is not a good idea to think about contest rules and logging procedure shortly before and during the contest.

73 Ben
you are so right :oops:

Both laptops started yesterday with 001. So the combination of the two logs is not suitable for Multi-2.
We will send one log as contestlog and the other as checklog.

We were yesterday in the middle of now where. That means: no network available. So, next year I must try to connect the two laptops with each other with an Ethernet cable or setup a temporary network.

Thanks for your answers.
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Maarten,

It's a pity that we did not talk earlier about this contest handling.
Here are some background information:

The serial number is only automatically increased if it starts with 001, otherwise it is normally a fixed number like "Age".
This allows to start "Checklogs" without any information for UcxLog about the exchange.
The start with a higher serial number on another PC is no useful in most contests.

This problem is much more better handled by the UcxLog "Network" mode.
This works stable with a lot PCs and QSOs and is also used by big DXpeditions. There is no "server" PC, each PC can fail and come back.

Normally it's simple to build a LAN or WLAN with an old router. If you operate 2 stations in parallel you have always a lot of equipment with you.
Also without any hardware an "Ad hoc" wireless network can be build with Windows.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
Wohnort: NL - Nijkerk

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

This was the very first time we join the IOTA Contest as M2 station.
Before the contest I studied the contest rules and find out that is is not allowed to use the same serial numbers for the two stations.
Contest rules: Multi-Operator entrants may find it convenient to allocate separate blocks of serial numbers for each station, but do ensure if possible that there is no duplication of serial numbers.
I thought if one station starts at 001 and the other at 301 we have no problems with duplicate serial numbers. Not knowing that this is not possible in UCXLog.

What will happen if I log a fake contact with 001. With "Edit log" I change the 001 to 300. Will the next contact become 301? At the end of the contest I remove the fake QSO before I generate the Cabrillo. This trick is possible in N1MM.
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello Maarten,

You gave up to quick.

You can enter "300" and log the first QSO.
Then you can change "300" into "301" and log the 2nd QSO.
Now "301" is blocked, with double-click you unblock it and can change it to "302".
Now it will be incremented automatically.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
Wohnort: NL - Nijkerk

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

That is the solution. I tried it and it is working perfectly.
Last Sunday I found out that the number was blocked after two times because I couldn't change it anymore.
Didn't know is was possible to unblock the number by double click on it.
This I will not forget anymore. Next year we will join the IOTA Contest again in the M2 class.
Here A short impression of our activation last Sunday.
Beiträge: 6704
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von DL7UCX »


I thought about this behaviour and found it too complicated.

I will change it in 7.76 Beta 15:
You can enter "300" and log the first QSO.
Then you can change "300" into "301" and log the second QSO.
Now it will be incremented automatically.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: Montag 13. Oktober 2014, 08:23
Wohnort: NL - Nijkerk

Re: Multi-2 in IOTA Contest

Beitrag von PA3EYC »

Thank you for your outstanding service.