Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Moderator: DL7UCX

Beiträge: 86
Registriert: Dienstag 14. Juli 2009, 23:59
Wohnort: Isle of Man

Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Beitrag von MD0MDI »

I am getting a dialogue box appera whenever I select the 'QRZ.COM' button in the work window.

It states:

"Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation."

If I then try to move the window that displays 'QRZ.COM' i get this message:

'Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 3D7B4E56 in Modul 'jscrip.dll'. Lesen von Adresse 0000F012.

The UcxLog shuts down!!

Sorry but I do not understand German, but if you could suggest anythign to fix this I would be greatful.

James (MD0MDI)
Beiträge: 348
Registriert: Samstag 7. Mai 2011, 10:33
Wohnort: Völklingen, JN39KF

Re: Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Beitrag von DG9VH »

Which Version of Internet-Explorer you have installed and which OS you are using?

73, Kim
Beiträge: 6640
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

I think it's not an error in UcxLog but in your Internet Explorer and JavaScript.
"Ungueltige Gleitkommaoperation" means "Invalid floating point operation".

No idea to fix this.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 348
Registriert: Samstag 7. Mai 2011, 10:33
Wohnort: Völklingen, JN39KF

Re: Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Beitrag von DG9VH »

Maybe installing actual Microsoft patches for OS and IE would fix the problem. Also upgrading IE could also do something good on it.

73, Kim
Beiträge: 86
Registriert: Dienstag 14. Juli 2009, 23:59
Wohnort: Isle of Man

Re: Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Beitrag von MD0MDI »

Hi Guys, I personally do not use IE, but I take it from the comments that UcxLog defaults to IE?

The version that is installed is 8.0.6001.18702

I have checked 'Windows Update' and the system is updated as far as it can go (Windows XP SP3), plus ALL available updates...

I have installed the latest version of Java (Version 6 Update 29).

Any other ideas?????

James (MD0MDI)
Beiträge: 6640
Registriert: Donnerstag 8. August 2002, 19:23
Wohnort: Dabendorf

Re: Error Message: Ungultige Gleitkommaoperation.

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hi James,

UcxLog "defaults" to windows API functions and components and windows opens an explorer, don't know which.

73 Ben